Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956


Lingaya's Vidyapeeth being the best private university in Faridabad believes in imparting comprehensive knowledge to all our students, we also take our duty towards society earnestly. Staying true to this objective, Lingaya's has adopted surrounding villages and regularly organises blood donation camps through various NGOs. Our students visit the villages to promote awareness on health, hygiene, and the importance of literacy under the National Service Scheme.

To give the scheme a further boost, the Vidyapeeth has set up Rural Technology Development Centre in collaboration with the Centre of Technology for Sustainable Development (CTSD), a scientific wing of NGO Adarsh Samaj Sahayog Samiti (Regd) for the benefit of farmers and the villagers. The Centre works for the implementation of viable technology for poverty alleviation. It provides a common platform for scientists, technologists, and other stakeholders. It has taken up Rural Technology Development Programmes in the field of Energy Conservation, Environment Protection, Health and Sanitation intending to improve the quality of life of rural masses. The Centre also organizes training/awareness Programmes, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences related to its aims and objectives which makes Lingaya's Vidyapeeth one of the top universities in Faridabad.

Scholarships Freeships

In conformity with its aims and objectives, the Vidyapeeth awards scholarship to the meritorious students and free ship to the students belonging to the weaker section of the Society. The Vidyapeeth has also introduced, Tuition Fee Waiver scheme for Women, Economically Backwards, Physically Handicapped and meritorious students.

Student's Welfare Fund

Being the best university in Faridabad, Lingaya's Vidyapeeth has created a Welfare Fund for students with seed money of Rs. 25 lac to meet the expenditure incurred by students due to unfortunate and unavoidable contingencies, during their tenure as students Lingaya's. This fund also takes care of a students entire tuition fee in the unfortunate event of them losing their bread earning parent during his/her study.

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