Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
Research & Innovation at LV

The world currently is amidst of knowledge economy. In the knowledge economy knowledge is of primary importance in contrast to natural resources, physical, capital and labour force in creating tangible and intangible value to the society.

Knowledge work requires non-routine problem solving approach with a combination of convergent, divergent and creative thinking. Knowledge workers with their education and background earn their living by thinking.

In the knowledge economy, Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) are very important components in creating the wealth and ensure the high growth path. This is more so in the present day environment where new and innovative products and solutions are introduced in the market place every day replacing the earlier products very fast-one striking examples being the mobile phones. The major requirement is the knowledge workers with innovative skills and conductive environment. It is our role and responsibility to appropriately impart skills with high knowledge component and innovative skills to meet challenges of knowledge economy.

Lingaya's Vidyapeeth has conceived a pragmatic and focused approach for Research, Development and Innovation

R & D and Innovation Cell

To provide adequate attention to R & D and Innovation, the R & D and innovation cell has been established by the Vidyapeeth. The R & D and Innovation Cell is identifying various components and making implementation plans of the same including:

  • Faculty and student Ph. D enrolments
  • Taking up R & D and innovation projects with problem solving approach for both local and global problems and issues and guiding the faculty in preparation of the project proposals
  • Participation of both graduate and post-graduate students in the R& D and student Innovation,
  • Enhancing the course curricula with the R& D experience,
  • Collaboration with industry
  • Collaboration with other universities and institutions,
  • Multi-disciplinary research,
  • Publications and patents/copyrights,
  • entrepreneurship development and incubation,
  • Organizing as well as participating in workshops & conferences,
  • Organizing expert lectures etc. The Vidyapeeth has constituted the following bodies:
  • To enhance the culture of Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship amongst Lingaya's fraternity
  • To provide necessary support by way of infrastructure, resources, capital in the form of soft loan/equity, capital and necessary access to knowledge usage;
  • To be in consonance with the concept of "Make in India" by creating commercially viable value added products, processes and services; and
  • To provide needed support to cover the complete spectrum of activities from creative ideas to development of products, services or processes and enabling/supportive creation of successful enterprises.
  • Companies or Firms, whose shareholder/partner or proprietor(s) are from the following categories of persons, are eligible for admission to LCIE:
    • Students and Alumni of Lingaya's Group of Institutions (LGIs);
    • The faculty members of LGI including ex faculty members (as per rules of LGIs);
    • Individuals partnering with faculty members/students or alumni of LGIs;
    • R & D partners of LGIs (Sponsors of R & D and consultancy Projects); and
    • Government Agencies associated with research & innovations of LGIs.

In the School/Department strengthened with eminent external experts from IITs, Industry, Central Universities etc. The function of these RACs would be to brainstorm and identify area and projects for research in the School/Departments of the Vidyapeeth. The purpose of Advisory Research Committee (ARC) is to ensure quality work in the Research Area and give thrust to the Research Initiatives. Some of the functions and objectives of ARC are:

  • Develop, review, monitor and approve research policies.
  • Approval of thesis of Ph.D Scholars before sending to external examiners.
  • To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work.
  • To ensure quality, transparency and ethics in the research area."

In the schools/departments strengthened with external experts from academia and industry. The function of RPAC would be:

To advice, review and strengthen the work of Ph. D scholars, and to enhance the relevance and quality of Ph. D work taken up by Ph. D students of the Vidyapeeth.

In addition, the Vidyapeeth has carried out the following:

  • Industrial Consultancy policy has been enhanced to facilitate the faculty to take up industrial and other consultancy activities
  • Ph. D regulations have been reviewed and revised in accordance with the UGC norms and guidelines.
  • Activities on student innovations have been enhanced with minor and major projects from 3rd Semester onwards and workshops and competitions on innovations are organized. Guidelines have been formulated for identification and procedures for execution and monitoring of the projects.
Research Areas

The R & D Division cell helps faculty and students to pursue their interest in basic and applied research in Engineering and Technology, Management, Architecture, Pharmacy, Law, Education, Basic Science, Humanities. Some of the areas of Research & Development of the Vidyapeeth are:

  • NDT, Hybrid Electric Discharge Machine (EDM)
  • Finance
  • Service Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research, AI in Management
  • Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain Management
  • Operations/TQM & SIX SIGMA/Banking/AI-IOT-Green Supply Chain/ General Management
  • General Management
  • HR & Marketing
  • Applied Mathematics, Reliability Modeling, Inventory Theory, Stochastic Analysis, Operation Research
  • Organic and Inorganic Synthesis, Biochemistry, Polymer Chemistry
  • Wastewater Treatment(Heavy metals , Dye, Anions etc), Nano materials Adsorbent, Environmental Sustainability,Pollutants Monitoring(MSW, HW & Air)
  • Polymer Composites, Liquid Crystals, Electro-optical devices.
  • Computer Networking, AI/ML
  • Phytopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Stanadardization of herbal formulation, Nanoformulation.
  • Multi-Agent Systems, Networking
  • Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning
  • Comparative Literature, Aesthetics, Indian Writings in English, Translation
  • Psychology- Cognitive, Social, Clinical and Positive Psychology.
  • Mechanical Engineering, Design and Thermal Engineering, Alternative Fuels, Composite Materials, Data Science
  • Slope Stability Analysis, Soil surface Inspection, Bor Logging, Geophysical analysis
  • Structural Health Monitoring, AI & ML in civil engineering and advanced cement-based material based concrete structure
  • Low power VLSI
  • Teacher education, Culture, various dimensions of Psychological and sociological Perspective
  • Cyber Security , Network Security
  • English Literature
  • Novel, Controlled and Targeted Delivery of Drugs, Method Development and Validation for the formulations by Advance Analytical Technique, Drug Regulatory Affairs, Phytopharmacological Evaluation of Medicinal Plants
  • Micro-Machining, EDM, Modeling & Simulation, Microwave Heat Treatment, Stir-Ultrasonic-Squeeze Casting, Composite Material

The Vidyapeeth has taken up both the Vidyapeeth Projects and sponsored projects. The Vidyapeeth has applied for sponsored projects by Goverment Funding Agency and other Sponsoring Agencies including Internet of things, social networks and applications, Image processing, water purification , pharmacy etc.

The Vidyapeeth is financially supporting the faculty for undertaking research of their interest.


"The faculty and students of the Vidyapeeth publish research papers in reputed peer reviewed national and international journals and conferences. The Vidyapeeth encourages them to publish the papers in Scopus indexed/ UGC-Care etc. journals to maintain the quality of research. More than 500 papers have been published/ presented in the areas of Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Pharmacy, Education, English, Architecture, Law, Electrical/ Electronics & Communication and Commerce & Management. The Vidyapeeth also provides various incentives towards publications. "

Publication Research
Student Innovation Stories

The innovation projects motivate students to understand, apply and appreciate the principles and give entirely new confidence and professionalism to them. Every department is building up and enhancing innovation labs with suitable facilities where students in teams can work and develop innovative ideas, technologies and products

Some Student Innovation Stories
The Team titled "Ballistic" from Lingaya's Vidyapeeth won Ist position in the Robo War in the "Robo War and Robo Space" competition held in Chandigarh in October 2015 In SAE Baja event team reached to finals for 3 consecutive years in toughest competition where over 350 reputed institutions participated. In 2012 the team won the Ist Prize of maneuverabity event and in the year 2014 it bagged 3rd prize. In this category we used innovation of 4-wheel steer in ATV to reduce turning radius.

Also, catalytic convertor was developed to reduce emissions remarkably, at low cost as "Go green project" of SAE-Baja. B Tech Fest 2017: With a mission to developed on contemporary practices and techniques emerging in different fields of Science and engineering, Lingaya's Vidyapeeth organized "Tech Fest- 2017" on the theme "Smart India: Present & Future" on 17th February, 2017. It was aimed to attract the attention of faculty members and students towards the recent trends of Research and Development in various branches of Science and engineering. To encourage creative thinking, provide exploratory experiences and promote innovative ideas among our youth, faculty members guided the students to prepare innovative projects in various fields. Tech Fest also emphasized on power point presentation through expert discussion on different topics with an aim to highlight the significance and applications of various technologies.Theevent brought together 18 projects, 20 power point presentations and 6 technical and business games. Students prepared innovative projects like self-sustainable cycle, Solar Car, Cut section and working model of engines, Concept Apartment, Train Accident Safety System, Lung Cancer Detection Using Image Processing, Smart and Sustainable village,Hover Bike for Blind people, Go-Kart, Speech Enabled System for Robot, Business Plan and many others.

The under graduate students participated very actively and enthusiastically in the special event titled "Innovation Contribution of youth towards Globalization" in April 2015 organized by the Vidyapeeth and developed many innovative ideas in the area of "Future of landslide early detection system","witricity: and emerging Revolution" for producing wireless electricity, "Energy Efficiency: and Urgent Inevitability" etc.

Patents and Copyrights

"It is policy of Lingaya's Vidyapeeth to continuously encourage its students and employees for getting their research works recognized through publications, copyrights and patents. Patents have been applied in the area of electronics, computer science, urban development, robotics, chemistry, automobiles etc. Some of the patent applications are in the following areas: Many more are in process in the areas of Antenna design, Bio-Informatices, Medical Imaging, Medical Instrumentation, Virtual Instrumentation etc."

  • Design of Low Cost EEG Based Brain Computer Interface
  • Catalytic Converter
  • Novel Tool for Effective Knowledge representation
  • Antenna design
  • Bioinformatics
  • Medical imaging
  • Internet of things
  • Virtual instrumentation

Many more are in process in the areas of Antenna design, Bio-Informatices, Medical Imaging, Medical Instrumentation, Virtual Instrumentation etc.

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