Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. Perumalla Sateesh Kumar, Amarnath Muniyappa, and Aravindan Sivanandam. “Applications of microwave heat treatment process to enhance the surface properties of bronze and steel materials used in journal
bearing.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 234, no. 10 (2020): 2064-2076.
2. Sateesh Kumar P, Amarnath M, Devaraj S, Vardhaman BS, Ramkumar J.Tribological Performance Enhancement of Bronze Alloy through Microwave Irradiation: Fundamental Tribo-Tests and Real-Time Journal Bearing Applications. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2022 Dec
3. Sateesh Kumar P, Amarnath M, Kamarapu SK, et al. A study of surface fatigue wear and influence of contaminated lubricant in journal bearing system using tribological and vibration analyses. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering.
2024;0(0). DOI: 10.1177/09544089241233119.
4. Kamarapu, Santosh Kumar, Amarnath Muniyappa, and Sateesh Kumar Perumalla. “Tribo-Dynamic analysis of nano-enhanced palm blend lubricant for roller bearing application.” Journal of Tribology (2024): 1-24.
5. Kamarapu, Santhosh; Muniyappa, Amarnath; Perumalla, Sateesh; PRASAD, DEEPAK; Vardhaman, BS Ajay. (2023) “Experimental investigations to assess surface fatigue failure in rolling contact bearing” Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. JMDA-23-0302.R1 -Accepted for publication.
6. Perumalla Sateesh kumar, Amarnath Muniyappa (2024). “Microwave irradiation effect on the tribological and vibration and sound analyses of bronze alloys. (under preparation)
7. Perumalla Sateesh kumar, Amarnath Muniyappa (2024). “Effect of Microwave heating on AISI 1045 medium carbon steel and C93200 bronze materials in engineering applications. (under preparation)
P. Sateesh Kumar, M. Amarnath (2017): Experimental studies to assess wear in journal bearing based on the tribological parameters. The 5th International
Conference and Exhibition on Energy and Advanced Materials (ICESEAM2017); 16-19 October 2017, Melaka, Malaysia.
2. Dheeraj Belwal, P Sateesh Kumar, M Amarnath (2018): Assessment of surface fatigue wear on gear tooth contacts using tribological parameter
analysis. 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM). 27-29 October 2017. Punjab
University Campus Chandigarh (India)
3. Shashikant Pandey, Sateesh Kumar Perumalla, Amarnath Muniyappa, Tanay Kumar Teki and Rakesh Paladugu (2019): Incipient fault detection in roller
bearing using ultrasonic diagnostic technique. International Conference on Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Performances (ICFMMP) from 12th13th September 2019. Lovely Professional University Punjab (India).
4. P. Sateesh Kumar, Nitish Kumar, Shivanku Chauhan, Innovation and tribological parametric management of journal bearings used in high-speed
applications. International Conference on Leadership X: IILC Ignite: Empowering Innovation and Leadership for Thriving Start-ups. 3rd to 4th
November 2023. Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Haryana India.
1. Presented my research work in the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM2017); May 2017, Melaka, Malaysia.
2. Presented research article in 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM). October 2018. Punjab University Campus Chandigarh (India)
3. Presented research article in International Conference on Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Performances (ICFMMP); September 2019. Lovely Professional University Punjab (India).
4. Attended 2 days symposium on Emerging Materials for Biomedical Engineering (EMBE2022); Jan 2022. PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India.
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