Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
International Admissions



  • Traditionally believing that God is the Source of all Truth, Goodness and Beauty, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, wishes to develop in students a wisdom that translates academic achievements into responsible citizenship, sincere professional service and a deep respect for life and beauty in God’s Creation and Recreation.


  • To impart knowledge and skills in the field of Engineering/ Technology, Management, Education, Science & Arts and related areas;
  • To dedicate itself for improvement of social and economic status and enhancement of the quality of life for all;
  • To strive for maximizing human welfare through education;
  • To produce effective knowledge workers, practitioners and educators who will be guided by vision, compassion, knowledge, discipline, discovery with deep respect for human values;
  • To provide an individual engineering and other professional learning experience for each student;
  • To develop critical thinking, analytical ability and creative skills;
  • To supplement the curricula, team work, leadership, communication skills, project management, social concerns and ethics and
  • To establish interaction with industries for Technology, Research & Development.

In line with above vision and mission statements, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth has the following special characteristics

  • Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth is an Institution for providing a student with opportunity for all round development and education with the aim of effective living as a good citizen.
  • It has special strength in the field of Engineering and Technology with emphasis on practice and problem solving skills.
  • Its activities and course curriculum concentrate on design, self-learning and research, which are the unique features of the Vidyapeeth.
  • The primarily value of knowledge and skill imparted by Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth resides in its utility in creating an infrastructure for the physical welfare of the general public, in sustaining good health of individual and the community.
  • Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth facilitates and promotes creativity and critical thinking capabilities in its students.
  • The education in Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth enhances the inherent capacity of a student with honesty, courage and fairness.

Definition of international students

As per guidelines, “International Students” will include the following.

  • (i) Foreign Students: Students holding passports issued by foreign countries and people of Indian origin who have acquired the nationality of foreign countries are included as foreign Students.
  • (ii) Non-Residents Indians (NRI): Students who have studied and passed the qualifying examinations from schools or colleges in foreign countries will be included as international students under NRI category. This will include the students studying in the schools or colleges situated in foreign countries even if they are affiliated to Boards of Secondary Education or Universities located in India, but will not include students studying in those schools or colleges (situated in India) and affiliated to the Board of Secondary Education or Universities of the foreign countries.

Students passing the qualifying examination from Boards or Universities located in foreign countries as external students and dependents of NRI studying in India will not be included as International Students. Entry level status of International students on entry to the country will be maintained throughout the tenure of the course, i.e., if the applicant entered the country through a student’s visa, it will remain the same throughout the duration of the course. The applicant cannot change the type of visa during the course of study. Wards of NRI parents are eligible for admissions to NRI category.

The Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth offers following courses for International Students. The courses mentioned below:

  • A. Diploma Programs
  • B. Under Graduate Programs
  • C. Post-Graduate Programs
  • D. Research Programs

Eligibility for above mentioned programs

  1. Diploma Program: Required qualification is 10th class or equivalent with minimum 50% qualification marks.
  2. Under Graduate Programs: Required qualification is 10th+2 class or equivalent with minimum 50% qualification marks.
  3. Post Graduate Programs: Required qualification is Bachelors’ Degree in relevant area / discipline / program with minimum 50% qualification marks.
  4. Research Programs: Required qualification is Masters’ Degree relevant area / discipline / program with minimum 55% qualification marks. Subject to passing entrance exam and/or personal interview.

Issue of offer letter (conditional or unconditional) or any information /guidance/ facilitation provided by the Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth should not be considered as confirmation of admission or access to any facility of Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth.

Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth reserves the right to add, withdraw or change any program or tuition fees at any time, without any notice, information contained herein or otherwise published or announced by the university as well as any provision or facility as and if deemed necessary. No responsibility will be accepted by the Vidyapeeth towards the Hardship or other expenses incurred by the applicant or any person(s) on this account, no matter how they are caused.

Equivalence Certificate

For the purpose of equivalency of the qualifying exam, the qualifications as recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) shall be considered and is to be accepted by the candidate. For any qualification not recognized by AIU, equivalency proof has to be provided by the applicant from the Indian High Commission/ Consulate in their respective country or other concerned statutory body as applicable and need to be submitted to the university in time

Issue of Equivalence Certificate, fees as required by AIU is to be paid by the student. Refer the website of (AIU) for further information on fees and further process to obtain equivalence

Detailed guideline Association of Indian Universities New Delhi.

Change of course

An International student who has been admitted in the particular course shall not be allowed to change the course. Transfer from one institution in India to any other institute in India is not allowed. In case the student discontinues the course in between the university will not refund the fees and no certificate will be issued from the university.


Procedure for Admission is Summed up as below

Step1. Students should purchase the International Student’s Bulletin (including the eligibility form) and the prospectus of the Vidyapeeth. This information is also available on the website.

Step 2. Fill up the online application form for international students and submit it, along with the copies of certificates mentioned and the required fees. This should be done well in the time so that the student is able to obtain the visa and NOC before the commencement of course after completion of admission process.

Step 3. Get the provisional admission letter from the International students Cell, in order to obtain the student visa.

Step 4. Produce the document of provisional admission to the Indian Embassy in the respective country and get a student visa endorsed to institution/ University.

Step 5. Report to the University for Admission. Fill the permanent admission form and submit it along with the following documents (In original along with a Xerox copy)

  • a. Mark/Grade statement of the qualifying examination.
  • b. Transfer/school leaving certificate from the institute/University last attended.
  • c. Nationality Certificate in case of NRI/PIO/F N Nationality Certificate of Guardian in case of P.I.O.
  • d. A Xerox copy of their passport- duly attested by a notary.
  • e. Physical fitness certificate from a registered physician.
  • f. Certificate from the owner /Head of the Institute stating the length of service & Total emoluments if guardian if in service in foreign country.
  • g. Income certificate from competent authority, in case the guardian is self employed.

Note: The original certificates will be returned to the students immediately after making necessary endorsements.

Step 6. Undergo medical examination and obtain a medical fitness certificate. As per government rules all International Students entering India on student visa have to be tested for HIV and will not be given admission, if found to be positive. All International students will be required to pay medical fees of USD $ 50, which includes the medical insurance cover for the first year. For subsequent years the medical fees will be same as for the other Indian students and is included in yearly fees.

Step 7. Appear for the proficiency test in English. This is only applicable if the qualifying examination is not in the English medium.

Step 8. Admission of International students will be confirmed only after verification of original certificates, medical fitness test and payment of required fees.

Step 9. Within a week of arrival in India, register with the FRRO of the local police


The International Students will abide by all the rules of the Institution/University and the code of conduct as applicable to Indian students doing same courses.

Examination and Award of Degrees & Diplomas

The procedure for examination, issue of mark list, issue of passing certificates and award of degrees will be same as for the Indian students doing same courses.


In case there are any differences in the interpretation of rules, opinion of the International Students Cell will be final. In case of any ambiguity in the process, International student cell is to consult with Registrar of the University before taking final decision. The fees are liable to revision and students will have to pay the revised fees as and when applicable. On the points not specifically covered the decision of the Institution/University authorities will be final.

Guidelines for Visa

  • Once Provisional Admission Letter/Visa Letter has been issued the student should immediately apply for Student Visa at the Indian Embassy / High Commission.
  • Make sure that your Student Visa is endorsed to Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth.
  • Make sure that you have applied for Student Visa well in advance and time. It generally takes 3-8 weeks to get the Indian Visa thus it is advisable to apply for the visa accordingly and consult the Indian High Commission/Embassy, if required
  • Student should carry copies with originals of previous educational qualifications i.e. Jr. & Sr. secondary certificates, marks sheets, Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Birth Certificate duly attested at the time of applying visa at embassy.
  • Student have to pay their visa fees at the embassy at the time of applying for student visa.
  • Change of University or Institution cannot be considered. In this case you would be required to go back to your home country and apply for a new visa.
  • Make sure, if you have entered India on the basis of Student Visa endorsed to Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, then it is your responsibility to ensure that you directly join and report to the University. The Visa endorsed on the name of the Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth or obtained on the basis of University documents cannot be used for any other purpose like employment , admission to any other university/college/institute/academy etc. or for non-regular (distance/online) mode of education.
  • After reaching the University Campus, students have to get the visa verified by the University and have to deposit a copy of the valid visa to the Department of International Affairs. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that throughout his/her study period the student is on valid visa

Guidelines for Visa Extension and FRO/FRRO

  • It is mandatory for all International students except those from Nepal and Bhutan to get their Student Visa registered at FRRO/FRO Faridabad within 14 days of arrival in India. If any student gets the penalty or any FRRO related charges from FRRO, the university shall not be held responsible and it will be the sole responsibility of the student to clear the due charges.
  • Department of International Affairs of Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth will guide and assist Student with all the required processes needed for FRO/FRRO Registration.
  • All International students except those from Nepal and Bhutan have to fill online application for Registration Certificate (RC) & Residential Permit (RP) https://indianfrro.gov.in/eservices/home.jsp on arrival to India.
  • In case the initial visa is not endorsed for the complete duration of the program or student has to extend the stay because he/she is not able to complete the program in the stipulated time then the student should apply for the extension of the visa before one month visa expires.
  • Visa Extension for stay visa, Residence permit Extension (RP Extension), change of address, change of course & change of Institution and OFF LINE for No Objection Certificate (NOC) for travelling outside India in Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) in Faridabad and Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO), Faridabad.

Students should make sure about the following points before leaving their home country.

  • Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth is just 42 Kms, one and half hour drive from Delhi International Airport (Indira Gandhi International Airport) and you need to book your ticket to the Delhi International Airport after taking a Valid Student Visa from Indian Embassy / High Commission.
  • Make sure that you have taken all the required vaccinations like Yellow Fever, Typhoid Vaccine, Hepatitis Vaccine and certificates of medical history documents should be carried along. Also you should not have any prolonged diseases or chronic diseases to avoid medical complications while you are in India.
  • Make sure that you inform Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth , Department of International Affairs for the Delhi Airport pickup at least two weeks prior to arrival and provide the complete details of flight.
  • Make sure that you bring the Admission Letter issued by the Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth along with all the Certificates/Degrees and Transcripts (in original) and 8 passport size photographs.
  • Make sure that if you have any gap in your study year, you have to obtained and produce the Affidavit duly notarized mentioning proper reason therein from your competent authority of your country
  • Make sure that you carry all your money in form of Travelers Cheques, which can be easily redeemed at the airport as well as number of foreign exchange offices and banks or you can use International Debit / Credit Cards.
  • Make sure you carry warm clothes (blanket, quilt, woolen clothes) because the temperature during winter ranges 5 to 20 degree Celsius.. The summer is a little bit hot; temperature ranges between 30 to 45 degree Celsius.
  • Whilst everything is available in India, try to get all that you would require initially. All the essentials can be availed from the markets available around range of 3 kms from University Campus.
  • The electric standard in India works on 240 V. So, ensure that you have an adapter for your mobile or laptop if it operates on a different voltage in your country. Also the electric sockets are of 2 or 3 pin so ensure that you carry a converter in case required.

Reporting at Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth

Students should make sure about the following points after arriving in India

  • After reaching the Delhi International Airport, the University will arrange Airport Pickup for Students who have shared their flight details with the Department of International Affairs, of provided in advance
  • Student will report to the Department of International Affairs along with all the required documents and interact with the reporting officer.
  • The documents will be checked and verified by Department of International Affairs (DIA) staff. Students will fill the registration form and submit the required documents after reading them carefully to get registered in the respective programs.
  • It is mandatory for all International students except those from Nepal and Bhutan to get their Student Visa registered at FRRO/FRO Faridabad within 14 days of their arrival in India. Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth will guide and assist Students with all the required processes.
  • The students should bring their medical insurance card either from their home country or from a sponsoring agency.
  • Students joining the University after the prescribed time period may be denied admission.
  • It is the prime responsibility of the student to visit the International Relations Department in time to complete the required documentations, so that no fine is levied against him/her.
  • Legal implication if any as per the government of India rules, regulation and laws.
  • After reaching the Delhi International Airport, the University will arrange a Airport Pickup for students who have shared their flight details with Department of International Affairs, of provided in advance.
  • Students will report to the Department of International Affairs along with all the required documents and interact with the reporting officer.
  • The documents will be checked and verified by Department of International Affairs (DIA) staff. Students will fill the registration form and submit the required documents after reading them carefully to get registered in the respective programs.
  • It is mandatory for all International students except those from Nepal and Bhutan to get their Student Visa registered at FRRO/FRO Faridabad within 14 days of arrival in India. Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth will guide and assist Student with all the required processes.
  • The students should bring their medical insurance card either from their home country or from sponsoring agency.
  • Students joining the university after the prescribed time period may be denied admission.
  • It is the prime responsibility of the student to visit International Relations Department in time to complete the required documentations, so that no fine is levied against him/her.
  • Legal implication if any as per the government of India rules, regulation and laws.

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