
Key Events

BUG IT OUT: Coding club, School of Computer Science and Information Technology organized “BUG IT OUT”. The event was a competition among the students to test their skills in debugging code. It was divided into two rounds. The students were given a set of questions and asked to identify the bugs within those questions and answer them accordingly.


Canva Design:The Canva Design competition was an event organized by coding club, Department of Computer Science & Engineering to inculcate creativity in students. This competition aimed to showcase the creativity and design skills to recognize the best Canva Designs created by them.

Technertia 2022: A Technical fest organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering to showcase the talent of future engineering professionals. Students from other Schools and Colleges were invited to participate in various competitions like coding, poster making, quiz, online gaming, problem solving, war of cameras, logo designing, canva design, technical memes etc. held under the umbrella of this event. More than 10 Colleges and 15 Schools participated in the competitions and showcased their skills.


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