Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
Significance of Coconut in Hinduism

Significance of Coconut in Hinduism

Growing up, I have always wondered why Hindu Gods are offered coconut? Being honest, back then understanding these rituals was not my cup of tea but now the time has passed and I have attained a decent knowledge about Hinduism and the most scientific significance it carries. Hinduism is believed to be the oldest religion to ever exist and its rituals are even more ancient.

Let us start by decoding this beautiful practice of offering coconut. To initiate with, let’s think why coconut is offered to Hindu Gods? In ancient times, animals were sacrificed in front of the deities which was believed to make them happy. This was naturally a cruel practice and when Brahmarshi Viswamitra observed this, he gave the idea to use coconut as it resembles a human head and the three black spots symbolizes the eyes. He invented coconut as a substitute for an animal. However, the Vedas make no mention of offering coconuts to Gods but it is still believed that splitting of coconuts is a form of bloodless sacrifice.

It is also believed that humans who wanted to get rid of their bad karma would assume coconut as head and offer it to God by breaking it. The intention was to deliver something in the name of sacrifice; which turned out to be bloodless, and its destruction represents the breaking of the human ego and karma. This fruit's shell has three eyes on top of it. You can only get to the water within by piercing the middle one. Lord Shiva's third eye refers to this middle eye.

To conclude, it would not be wrong to say that Hinduism has so many mysteries which are yet to be solved.



-Chandan Chibb, B.A. II  English Hons.

September 13, 2023

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