Two copies of the manuscript should be sent to the Chief Editor or the Journal. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with a wide margin and on one side of the A4 size paper only. Illustrations, if any should be submitted along with the manuscripts on separate sheets.
Manuscripts should be sent along with the undertaking/ authorization letter for the originality, IPR and copyright issues in favor of the Chief Editor that may be published after necessary editing.
The first page of the article should consist of the title of the paper, name(s), of the author (s) with the details, and abstract of the paper not exceeding 300 words. Second paper should start with the title of the paper again, followed by the text.
Manuscript without soft copy shall be rejected.
References should be arranged in Alphabetical order and given at the end of the paper. Citation format (Author name et al., Year)
Tables, diagrams, etc. should be numbered consecutively and titled.
All the research papers and review papers will be peer reviewed or double blind refereed. The decision of the editorial committee and Chief Editor will be final.
Manuscripts will be sent to the Chief Editor, Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies., Lingaya’s Universtiy, Nachauli, Jasana Road Faridabad- 121002,
E-Mail: [email protected]
Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth